Send us the details and we will post them !
It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow but we will find you.
Don’t have to always be looking over your shoulder, pay your debt now
Phone Number : Blacked OutAmount Owed : $589000
Phone Number : Blacked OutAmount Owed : $190000
You’re in the right place, we’re very familiar with bookies and scams of all types. You’re expected to pay on losses but then you’re stiffed or get the run around when you’re owed money. We can help!
Here’s our process :
Our team will need some type of communication between you and the bookie. Whether email, text message, or recorded call. If you do not have that yet we can work on that.
If you want them posted on this site for everyone to see then it is preferred you have proof that they scammed you as well as their social links or photos of them for us to post.
Contact us through our secure “contact us” link or through Telegram or WhatsApp so we can start the process of getting them posted on the site and hopefully recovering your funds.
We have the best legal team and private investigation agency money can buy in our corner.
We also have other ways to make sure we can recoup your dollars.
Trust us, Our team has seen it all. You’re in good safe hands!
Every case is unique but typically we collect based on these amounts to percentage ratios.
We can help you recover your hard earned money !
© 2023 Scammerfind |
More to come soon .. We have a list of over 100 scammers ready to post. Don’t be added to this list. Be a good human and a good person.