Dustin Aab

Is this you?

Pay your debt to remove yourself from this website.

  • Person Owed: RampagePoker
  • Name: DustinAab
  • Amount Owed: $450 000
  • Instagram: dustindacloser
  • Wife: Michelle Demaree

I’m over being silent. Short form details: Dustin Aab owes me well over $450K from a personal loan he took from me. Monthly installments/payments have not been paid for 5 months with 1 month left on our contract. Can’t say this guy can be trusted, more details coming soon

This “deal” occurred early January this year after I won the Wynn $25K. Had too much money in my bank account for my own good and decided on a risky “investment”. Lessons learned, should be a fun process trying to recoup as much funds as possible

If you’re reading this from your broke ass phone Dustin, I challenge you to a freeroll to get out of this debt. We bare knuckle box on live stream for 5 rounds regardless if opponent is KO’d. You win, debt is off. I win, everything stays the same


Please upload Proof of payment.

Proof of Payment Screenshot


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